Monday 17 January 2011

Graphic Design Portfolio

Logo and bag for a company called 'Organic'.

Selection of South Park Top Trump cards made in Illustrator using custom created characters.
Example of one in large, Pythagoras.

Code of Conduct poster using the look of an iPad and big colourful symbols to grab people's attention and put the Code of Conduct across in a more appealing way.

Collage of different coloured photographs in a grid style using filters and effects in photoshop to get the end result.

Eroded/"Dirty Graphics" poster.

Two posters showing lyrics to one of Rihanna's songs using a photograph of her to make up the letters, with a gradient to fill the gaps.

Collection of ideas and development of a poster advertising the iPhone 4.
Final iPhone 4 poster using the new white colour that's being released as the focus for the advert. The chess board representing the black and white contracts between the two phones. Checkmate is a reference to chess also representing the game is over because the white iPhone is here.

Photograph of the front cover for a magazine about Alton Towers Theme Park.

Photograph of the inside double page spread for the Alton Towers magazine.

Photographs taken and enhanced on photoshop to make them as appealing as they can be but still looking natural.
Photograph developed using the dark room.

A few examples of observational drawings using different materials.

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